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Radio Angrezi sendet live vom Open Space Domshof

ab 18 Uhr
Open Space auf dem Domshof
vor Ort und auch digital im Livestream
Radio Angrezi sendet LIVE vom Open Space Domshof. Für die erste von zwei Sessions präsentiert das Radio-Kollektiv Live-Auftritte von verschiedenen jungen Künstler:innen aus dem Bereich experimenteller Klangkunst. Neben den Live-Auftritten präsentieren euch unsere DJ’s einen Mix aus Ambient und elektronischer Musik zum zurücklehnen. Holt euch einen Drink und überquert mit uns die Grenzen von Musik und Klang.
Radio Angrezi is broadcasting LIVE from Open Space Domshof. In the first of two sessions, the radio collective will introduce you to experimental sound art and is presenting live performances by various young artists. In addition to these acts our DJ's will present a mix of ambient and electronic music for you to lean back to. Let’s explore and merge the borders of music and sound.
18:00 „Research and Waves“ meets Angrezi (Talk)
19:00 – intermission – (music by Julius (SLOW GEMS))
19:15 Jiyun Park - Transcending space III (sound performance/installation)
19:45 – intermission – (music by Julius (SLOW GEMS))
20:00 Hyemin Jung – one day I found out my pathway was fabricated (sound performance)
20:45 – intermission – (music by Julius (SLOW GEMS))
21:00 AVANT/Retro – Kommt zusammen! (DJ set)
„Research and Waves“
→ Research and Waves // Project
Research and Waves is an artistic research project and collective that explores the space between curatorial practice and artistic methodology. We aim to draw enriching connections and create a conversation between art, music, technology and society through experimental events and presentation formats in the context of art and culture.
Jiyun Park
By experimenting with different types of materials, Jiyun Park explores sensory and synaesthetic states in search of hidden and inherent sounds, spatial acoustics and performances for crossing borders in relation to space and time. Jiyun Park is a sound artist and composer based in Cologne, and she deepened her exploration of media art at the Cologne Academy of Media Arts. There she developed a way of dealing with sound, which is characterized by electronics, voice as well as self-made instruments and synthesizers. Her works are mostly influenced by crossing the threshold of space and time in her surroundings. She also initiates cooperation performances, which often communicate using data or a human-sound interaction.
Hyemin Jung / Artist name: Jorengthericecake (Joreng)
→ Jorengthericecake // Soundcloud
Jorengthericecake is an interdisciplinary artist exploring contemporary ambient/experimental sound method, currently based in Cologne, Germany. The archival research process of intersectional identity politics and spatial memories are re-enacted on Joreng's live perfermance, mostly by using granular synthesizer and voice sampling..
AVANT/Retro is a creative DJ Duo located in the middle of the world collecting and playing songs for everybody from everywhere to unite all people. Let’s dance, drink, laugh and have a good time. Good vibes only! We are playing old and future classics ranging from soul, indie, hiphop, pop, funk, electronics and house
Radio Angrezi, ein autonomes studentisches Kollektiv, ist ein Experimentierfeld für Klang, Musik, Stimme und Live-Performance. Es erstreckt sich über alle Disziplinen, Studienrichtungen und mehrere Sprachen und ist offen für Studierende, Lehrende und Gäste. Es sendet wöchentlich aus seinem Studio im Speicher XI (Bremen) auf sowie gelegentlich auf 92,5 FM, zu empfangen in Bremen und Umgebung. Darüber hinaus werden regelmäßig Sondersendungen zu Konzerten, Vorträgen, Präsentationen und Ausstellungseröffnungen produziert. Radio Angrezis Ziel ist es, Fragen aufzuwerfen, neue Bedingungen, Formen und Formate zu entwickeln, zu performen und zu senden – kollektiv oder individuell –, zuzuhören, zu beobachten und zu diskutieren.