The Influencers


Artem Stepanchuk

The Transcriptions of Space

The Transcriptions of Space

Artem Stepanchuk

Digitale Medien BA

bei Prof. Ralf Baecker,
Nuri Ovüc

The Transcriptions of Space is an experimental application developed using deep learning algorithms that demonstrates the ability of artificial intelligence to realize the inherent human creativity.

By connecting two independent neural networks, the application observes the world around and expresses its thoughts based on previously acquired knowledge.

The first algorithm based on the machine learning process of image recognition and a convolutional neural network acts similar to the human desire to detect patterns and find meanings in vague visual stimuli. Through the camera interface, it identifies letters in the shapes of surrounding objects and writes them down sequentially.

Approximate string matching algorithm using an English dictionary converts the sequence of found letters into a readable word.

The following algorithm of language model based on recurrent neural network using the converted word as input predicts the next most likely words in a sequence and thus create entire sentences of text.

Considering the possibility of using the application in different places such as Natural environment and Built environment, two language models were trained.

For the Natural environment model was used the text corpus consisting of scientific and fiction books about Nature.


For the Built environment model, the text corpus consisted of books describing the architectural features of cities and the history of urban space and its interaction with humans, as well as science and fiction literature of the human future in cyber cities.
Walking - in the city, local neighbourhood, or hiking trail - lost in thought, let the app be your companion or inspire you by expressing its thoughts about the specific space.

Welcome to Paradise – Mit dem "Influencers Taubenheim" präsentiert die HfK im Rahmen von Open Space digital und analog Arbeiten, Performances und Installationen Studierender und stellt auch ihre diesjährige Jahresausstellung sowie die Verleihung des hochdotierten Frese-Design-Preises unter das Motto.

Als Paradiesvögel im Taubenheim zeigen wir hier die Abschlussarbeiten von über 40 Absolvent:innen der Studiengänge Digitale Medien und Integriertes Design. Die aus diesen Arbeiten, von einer internationalen Jury, ausgewählten Preisträger:innen und Belobigten erhalten vom 27.-31.07 und 03.-07.08. die Möglichkeit, im "Taubenheim" im Rahmen von Open Space auf dem Domshof ihre Arbeiten im öffentlichen Raum auszustellen.

Doch zuvor - Klickt euch hier durch die vielfältigen und spannenden Abschlussarbeiten der Absolvent:innen, entdeckt Projekte aus den Studiengängen Integriertes Design und Digitale Medien oder lauscht den Klängen der Paradiesvögel. Viel Spaß! *Gurr*

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